Thursday, November 25, 2010

SPM mengganas !!

                               spm mula mnyerang jiwa calon !! 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Atari Teenage Riot Live @ Exit Festival 2010 (HQ)

SPM around the Pak Ya corner

 wow hard to say that im really2 da " mereng" . pic mse bru lepas stdy errr pening. spm lg bpe hari je n xsmpai seminggu. macam2 masalah jatuh ketepek kat kepale ak . im in trouble. . . ~trouble is a boy and trouble is a boy wow wow ~ wow jd stress( tahap cipan x makan sebulan), prssure, n all kind of problems ada smpai msalah negara pun ad gak heh. tp entah la kdg2 tu ak bole happy lg ish babi laaa . . . . arrggghhh x tau nak ckp ape lg, korg tgk je la pic ni pun da bole describe . xpe2 even in stress or prssure ak tetap gagah menempuh spm . ~ayep terus mara hidup ayep cemerlang ~. . . sekian terima kasih .

                                                 ayep you can do it, cmon dude !

Monday, November 8, 2010

yeah !


     the vocalist style like the beatles. but he performed with full of craziness and spirit of rock + hardcore yeah !!

tdo pg bgn tgh hari

Fuh ! pnat ari ni. pg td aku tdo kol 5 pg sedar2 je da kol 1.30 bising mak aku. aku ckp kt mak aku, 
org dewasa seeloknya tdo 8 jam, ok la tu tdo kol 5 bgn kol 1 (8 jam) hehe. heh nak 8 jam sgt x pasal2 kne maki
pot pet pet tut tit tat tok tuuutttt.. . . .aku cabut g bilik air hehe.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

nasal broken

30.05.10 my nose day . hrdcore sgt kat gig smpai idung patah. tp mse kne mmg x rse sgt siap bole layan lg smpai abis gig adoi haha. da abis bru la gelabah psaan idung da senget. emm rsau sgt bpk aku mengamuk, suruh mber(tawau) anta g hospital. da smpai hspital bru cll nmpak sket cam drama haha. igt an my dad nak mengamuk tpi blk umh je kne gelak ad laa adoi hahaha. 3 times jmpe doc n the 3rd time baru la kne masuk bengkel repair idung, " ketang keting ketong" da siap idung bru 2 mggu berbalut. da 6 bulan still belum ok sgt, tp da boleh men bola.  starting that day my nose da jd lg mancung tau hehe.. .

Sawadikap Ikan Siakap

                  hey hey hey !! im new here, oppss jap nie pic lme mse frm 4 , botak + rock on heh.
hye im arif or my commercial name ayep heh call me ayep je..  im 17 sitting for spm ths year, msti dpt 2 As above.  born in 1/4/1993, HKL . kuar2 dr perut mak aku je dorg terus sambut "april fool" haha. ad org ckp sometimes my face look garang gler but actually aku ni happening n friendly. kdg2 aku ni sewel n giler sket haha bile smpai mse n tepat wktu ye . luv music, more to hrdcore, rock,screamo, indie, experimental, electro, trance... a a a a a a ape lg, ish byk laaa mls nak ckp. tp kdg2 mood berubah lyn gak lgu jiwang haks. benda yg plg best skali 'makan' . semue makanan ak sumbat n hari raya laa plg ak suke. sbb satu bulan mkn free amik je ape aku nak haha. ntah laa aku ni species mkn byk tp x gemuk2 mybe ak suke bersukan kot. luv arts xkesah la wht kind of arts it is . berlakon teater ni best gak, rmai ckp aku berlakon gempak n  ad bakat. tp ntah la hehe.
( for more information about me log on to www. siapakah saya? .com)